

Looking for a way to get more involved? Take a look at the committees listed below and let us know through the Contact Form how you would like to help!

 Regatta Committee (Chair: Vice Commodore). Has the duty to conduct all races, regattas and other competitive sports engaged in by the club. The Chair shall be the Vice Commodore, who shall elect 2 members who are experienced sailors. The Chair shall appoint a member to serve as a Race Committee to conduct each regatta in accordance with the rules of the United States Sailing Association (USSA). The Board shall establish rules for conducting regattas including proper start of races, the calculation of handicaps and the receiving of and appeals of protests. The Regatta Chair shall send the Notice of Race for each regatta; ensure that the assigned PRO will attend; tabulate corrected times from regattas and post the results on Clubspot; calculate year’s regatta winners and Most Improved Skipper; and obtain awards.

● Manage the conduct of all Races, Appoint PROs, Tabulate Results on  Clubspot

● Arrange Fun non-scored races, Wed pm, Social etc.

● Arrange Frostbite races when appropriate through the winter

● Arrange Invitational Races (with other Clubs)

● Arrange travel as group to other racing clubs



Maintenance Committee is responsible for maintaining and improving the boats, the clubhouse, the docks, land and water berths, and in the marina grounds generally.

● Manage Annual Work Day (2nd Saturday in April), and other days as necessary

● Maintain Master Berth list

● Maintain & improve the Clubhouse, docks, Grounds & Slips (Liaise with Parks through the Commodore)


LTS Committee shall be responsible for all youth and adult sailing training programs. If no active youth sailing exits then this committee shall be responsible for the development and conduct of all instructional programs sponsored by the Club, including water safety. Youth Racing Sub-Committee shall be responsible for the organization of the youth racing practice day and off-site racing, and for the upkeep of the boats used for practice.

● Arrange Instructional Courses

● Manage Boating Safety

● Youth Racing program

● Maintain the LTS boats, equipment and pontoons/racks/storage


Social Committee shall provide the planning for the annual meeting dinner and all other special social events to be conducted by the Club.

● Planning & managing Annual Meeting & Dinner

 Planning & managing Other Events including themed Regattas


Marketing & Communications Committee is responsible for the external publicity of the club, selling club related products for profit e.g. T-shirts, producing publicity materials, and raising funds and internal communications to members.

Marketing - External

● Maintain Bulletin Board and post any content there

● Produce marketing Materials e.g. Banner, posters etc.

● Get publicity in Mountain Express etc. for youth program

● Produce & sell merchandise e.g. Shirts, Caps License plates (for profit)

● Explore Fundraising opportunities (Duke, Home Depot, Wild Wings etc)

Communications - Internal

 Managing, developing, and maintaining the Website, Clubspot, Facebook, and the Gmail list.


Secondary address
